Fibromyalgia -

Fibromyalgia Fibromyalgia.

Rheumatic Condition

This review article presents and summarizes up-to-date literature on the clinical manifestations, diagnosis, pathophysiological mechanisms, and treatment options for fibromyalgia Fibromyalgia. First, the most recent diagnostic Fibromyalgia for fibromyalgia, as put forth by the American College of Rheumatology will be summarized.


Clinical features, including chronic widespread pain, hyperalgesia, mood disorders, anxiety, and disturbed sleep patterns will be explored in-depth. The pathogenesis and Flbromyalgia of fibromyalgia involves alterations in multiple ascending and descending central nervous system Fibromyalgia, as well as peripheral pathways, leading Fibromyalgia heightened pain sensitivity. Risk factors have been studied extensively, and the most recent research focuses on various genetic influences and the contributions of stress and poor sleep. Lastly, the discussion in this article focuses on treatment options for fibromyalgia; some have been Fibromyalgia options for many years.

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The evidence behind non-pharmacologic treatments, Fibromyalgia massage therapy, exercise, and acupuncture, are discussed. Keywords: Central sensitivity syndrome; Fibromyalgia; Fibromyalgia, acupuncture; Fibromyalgia, massage; Fibromyalgia, pathogenesis; Fibromyalgia, sleep disturbance; Fibromyalgia, treatment.


Fibromyalgia Abstract This review article presents and summarizes up-to-date literature on the clinical manifestations, diagnosis, pathophysiological mechanisms, and treatment options for fibromyalgia patients. Publication types Review.]

One thought on “Fibromyalgia

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