Ethics Of Performance Enhancing Drugs -

Ethics Of Performance Enhancing Drugs

Ethics Of Performance Enhancing Drugs - something also

Performance Enhancing Drugs Performance-enhancing drugs PED 's have been an issue for many decades now for the medical and sports field. Olympic and professional athletes have been using them to gain an upper hand on the competition, but some may ask if it 's really worth it? Studies show that performance-enhancing drugs have been proven to negatively affect the health of athletes who take them. Simply put, performance-enhancing drugs could either improve athletic performance or can be extremely. This raises the questions, should we just accept these drugs and use them to our advantage? Or should we continue to resist these drugs and not take advantage of their performance-enhancing capabilities? When you start talking about organizations like the military, where Soldiers are ask to go beyond the normal physical and mental stress of a regular. Ethics Of Performance Enhancing Drugs

In this project, you will utilize the research and information you have gathered during this course in order propose a solution about an issue of larger relevance.

“Performance-Enhancing Drugs in the Workplace” Essay

Using the proposal from WP2 and your annotated sources, you will now write an argument on your issue that has tangible goals: a proposal. By doing this, you will be providing a minimum of one possible solution for the issue you have researched. Your solution s should be couched in evidence you have collected from your research in order to validate the significance it has to the people it affects. You should discuss multiple schools of thought in relation Enhancint your own, partly to locate your contribution and partly to cite those who inspired your original position on the matter.

Ethics Of Performance Enhancing Drugs

Use these brainstorming questions for freewriting and revising while working on this project: As a researcher, what can you add what you have read so far? How can you fill in the blanks?

Doping And Performance Enhancing Drugs

What remains to be covered? What is your contribution to the scholarship, or what new points, connections, or arguments can you make? These sources should present a variety of authors who employ differing research methods and come from different schools of discipline in order to give the reader a holistic and enriching sense of the academic conversation concerning your issue. For click the following article, if you use 10 scholarly sources, you can use Ebhancing primary sources. Make your goal narrow and debatable. Narrow your focus and do not let your argument topic be too broad or general. Make your point with Drugx strong thesis statement connected by topic sentences to a logical Ethics Of Performance Enhancing Drugs of well-organized, appropriate, and specific details.

Your project should logically develop a complex argument about a topic, and in developing your argument, you should explain your reasoning rather than simply relying on descriptions. Remember to back your claims with evidence, reasoning, and warrants to connect these. The sources do not necessarily have to carry the same weight—some will be mentioned more than others and in different ways. You should dwell on the variety of methods, approaches, disciplines, audiences, and outcomes used by the authors of the sources you have collected.

Ethics Of Performance Enhancing Drugs

Use quotations, paraphrases, signal phrases, along with correction citation format, both in-text and on your Works Cited page. Your essay should focus on what scholars contribute, as you are only a new scholar to the area, however you can include your experience as a researcher. However, your experience, if any, should NOT be the bulk of your argument.

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Your essay should have: A Title, Introduction with a thesis. Correct MLA format If you elect to use subheaders, remember that each section has a specific purpose and that not all sections carry equal importance. If you elect not to use subheaders, you should still satisfy the content that a proposal with subheaders provides to support and guide your proposal. See specific points about these components below. In short, you explain why the topic is important and Performane debating. Your essay includes evaluative judgments along with descriptions, which help the reader see how you connect the issues.]

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