Drunk Driving - final
By Amanda Woods and Tina Moore. Two NYPD officers were arrested in the Bronx this week — one for an assault on his live-in girlfriend, and the other for driving while intoxicated after she showed up for work under the influence, according to police. Officer Ramon Castro, 33, was busted around a. Friday for allegedly grabbing his live-in girlfriend by the ears during an argument at his home in the confines of the 48th Precinct, which covers Belmont, East Tremont, and West Farms. A sergeant noticed that she had alcohol on her breath, bloodshot eyes, was unsteady on her feet and had slurred speech, according to police sources. Police determined that she drove to work in her personal vehicle while intoxicated, arriving just before 3 a. Read Next. Suspect in Bryant Park subway shove was busted in previous This story has been shared , times. Drunk DrivingWhen a person consumes alcohol and then gets behind the wheel of a car, they endanger the lives and safety of Drunk Driving else who shares the road. If you suffered an injury in a drunk driving accident, you have already endured enough pain and emotional stress from the incident and your injury. Rather than further weighing yourself down with the challenge of recovering the damages you deserve, consider hiring a Bakersfield drunk driving accident lawyer. Inthe California Department of Motor Vehicles DMV reported nearly 27, alcohol-involved crash Drunk Driving 10 percent of total crash injuries. Because of the danger that drunk driving poses to the public, a person who causes a motor vehicle accident while driving intoxicated will face criminal charges.
Furthermore, accident victims who suffer injuries can file civil lawsuits against the drunk person who caused the accident. Because California abides by at-fault negligence laws, you can file a claim for compensation for your injuries from a drunk driving accident in Bakersfield.
If the insurer denies your claim or refuses to agree to a fair settlement, you can file a lawsuit against the drunk driver and have the matter decided by a Drunk Driving court. For a free legal consultation with a drunk driving accidents lawyer serving Bakersfield, call An accident victim cannot expect to receive compensation for their accident-caused injuries simply by showing their medical receipts Drunk Driving demanding reimbursement.
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Juries and insurance companies look for hard evidence that prove the above statements apply to your case. The sooner you hire a lawyer to represent you in this matter, the more access your attorney will have to fresh evidence that can support your claim. When you hire Ben Crump Law, PLLC in your drunk driving personal injury case, our legal team will launch an investigation of your accident to determine how it happened. Upon Drunk Driving this Drunk Driving, we will have the evidence we need to build the framework of your claim. Click to contact our Bakersfield Car Accident Lawyers today.
Establishing Your Case
The reports we receive from the various experts will validate not only the losses you have experienced to date but also those that you can expect to face in the Drunk Driving. RDiving each case is different, some of the types of damages you might recover in your drunk driving case include:.
Furthermore, if a drunk driver caused an accident that killed your loved one, you may file a wrongful death action to recover compensation from the drunk driver. Complete a Free Case Evaluation form now. The State of California enforces a statute of limitations that limits the amount of time you have to file a civil lawsuit for a personal injury. Generally, the state gives you Drunk Driving years from the date of your injury in which to file your lawsuit against the drunk driver.

Of course, most personal injury matters are resolved outside of the courtroom, never making it to trial. Your lawyer will submit your demand letter itemizing the damages you would like to recover.
Civil Remedies for Drunk Driving
Drunk Driving At this point, our lawyers will begin to negotiate the settlement. If the insurer refuses to agree to a fair settlement, or they deny your claim completely, your lawyer can file a lawsuit on your behalf. Although three years might seem like a long time, you will be surprised how quickly that deadline comes up. You will want to Drunk Driving your Dfiving plenty of time to file your lawsuit in the event that the insurance company does not play ball. You should not have to bear the burden of fighting for your right to compensation—not when you have already been through so much after experiencing a drunk driving accident.
Drunk driving cases can get complicated fast. Furthermore, we will not charge you unless and until Drlving win you a settlement or court award. Call or text Car crash injuries range in severity from mild abrasions and burns to amputations and decapitations. The actual injuries you experience depend on the nature of the accident, whether you and your.

Both parties may share fault in a car wreck.]
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