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Corruption Of The Silent Killer

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Cardiovascular disease has the highest number of deaths globally for all NCDs followed by cancer, respiratory diseases, and diabetes. The number of people, families, and communities affected by NCDs is rapidly increasing.

Corruption Of The Silent Killer

Some modifiable factors associated with the major NCDs are tobacco, harmful use of alcohol, raised blood sugar, raised cholesterol, and elevated blood pressure, also known as hypertension. Hypertension or high blood pressure is a serious medical condition that significantly increases the risks of heart, brain, kidney, Corruption Of The Silent Killer other diseases. A study by the World Health Organization in revealed that for every one in eight deaths worldwide, hypertension is the leading cause which makes it the third killer disease in the world with Africa has more than 30 million people suffering from it.

It is a condition in which the blood vessels have persistently raised pressure. A review of current trends showed that the number of adults with hypertension increased from million in to 1. Hypertension risk factors have a major role to play in the increase in those populations. The prevalence of hypertension in Nigeria forms a substantial portion of the total burden in Africa because of the large population of the country currently estimated to be over million. The World Health Organization predicts that if nothing is done about it bythree-quarters of all deaths in Africa will be linked to hypertension.

Corruption Of The Silent Killer

Undoubtedly, hypertension is a notable public health problem in many African countries today including Nigeria. Among the many developing Kiler in the world, Nigeria is one of those whose health services primarily focus on treating infectious diseases like malaria and tuberculosis while neglecting non-communicable conditions which is on the increase as of recent. Dr Kingsley Akinroye, executive director of the Nigerian Heart Foundation, says that "the health system offers diagnosis and treatment only to those who pay for it".

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By submitting above, you agree to our privacy policy. Even when people do go for a medical check-up, diagnosis of such chronic conditions can be unreliable at the primary health level. The diagnosis of hypertension at the primary health level can't also be trusted even when people manage to go for checkups.

Corruption Of The Silent Killer

As a matter of fact, there is also the issue of outdated hypertension statistics in the country. In his words, Dr Anthony Usoro, national coordinator for non-communicable diseases at the Federal Ministry of Health in Abuja said that "most data are outdated speculation based on mathematical models and surveys that are scanty and unrepresentative with low validity". Dr Kingsley Akinroye iterated that the reason why policymakers have been having difficulties in concentrating efforts towards emerging health burden disease control is because of limited data although the federal government is working on putting the Corruption Of The Silent Killer policy in place.

Undoubtedly, the prevention and control of high blood pressure would have a strong impact on the health, quality of life, and mortality rate among rural communities in Read more.

Nigeria: Hypertension - Silent Killer Disease in Nigeria

Moving on, it is necessary for there to be concerted efforts and feasible interventions that can readily manage this silent killer disease in the country effectively. The primary health level should be tasked with the responsibility of hypertension control measures. It is expected for the prevention and control Kioler high blood pressure that health improvement, increase in quality of life, and increased childbirth ratio both in rural and urban communities should be achieved with the three main strategies community health promotion, health services, and system support strategy already in place. Read the original article on Vanguard. Corruption Of The Silent Killer publishes around reports a day from more than news organizations and over other institutions and individualsrepresenting a diversity Silet positions on every topic.

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