Corporate Social Responsibilities -

Corporate Social Responsibilities - opinion you

The idea that corporations have some form of social responsibility is not a new one, but it is one that has significant effects in the world in which we live. This sample research paper explores the idea of Corporate Social Responsibility as a function of the natural duties of a business and is one of the many features offered by Ultius. The debate on corporate social responsibility CSR is one that has dug its root deep in the society for a long time now, with individuals differing in terms of their views on whether the organizations embrace corporate responsibility for the good of the society or for their own good. As a result, various individuals developed different approaches towards this issue, leading to the development of the instrumental, political, integrative, and ethical theories. Organizations give CSR reports after specified periods, in the quest of developing their relationships with the society in which they operate. However, some individuals believe that such reports are meant to benefit the stakeholders and to offer an account of how the organization is developing its relationship with the society, while others believe that such a report is aimed at hiding the true picture of the organization benefits at the expense of the society. These theories define CSR as a strategic tool necessary in achieving the economic objectives of the organizations and thus, creating wealth for the organization. Corporate Social Responsibilities

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Corporate Social Responsibilities

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Corporate social responsibility is the practice of integrating social and environmental goals into business operations. Common roles of CSR include helping control costs, improve a company's brand, attract top-quality talent and Rezponsibilities long-term financial success. Rather than focusing solely on the bottom line, companies that employ the concept of corporate social responsibility examine how their business practices affect Corporate Social Responsibilities employees, customers, local communities, human rights and environment on a larger scale.

The United Nations Industrial Development Organization notes that the common functions of corporate social responsibility include:.

Corporate Social Responsibilities

Sustainable business practices Corporate Social Responsibilities benefit a company's bottom line as click as the environment. By developing products that use less energy or less packaging, a Codporate can also save on utility bills and materials expenses. One notable example is General Mills, which the Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy reports has reduced a third of its energy costs by using more efficient lighting and equipment and cutting heat waste.

Corporate Social Responsibilities

Investing in the community and supporting local organizations can set a business brand apart from the rest. Responsible business practices can improve public Corporatd of a company's brand, which can increase its customer base and overall sales. It can also garner interest from investors that only invest in socially-responsible companies. Corporate social responsibility helps companies attract and retain top-quality talent.


Employees often look for employers that display ethical behavior and have values that align with their own. The firm notes that a variety of companies saw employee motivation and loyalty increase Sociak engaging them in corporate social responsibility initiatives, and these companies felt they were able to obtain better-quality employees Corporate Social Responsibilities a result.

Executives who receive quarterly or annual performance-based incentives -- a common practice among corporations -- often focus primarily on a company's short-term financial results. While this is an important component ensuring profitability, it doesn't necessarily mean that profits are sustainable for the long-term.]

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