Computer Fraud And Identity Theft -

Computer Fraud And Identity Theft Computer Fraud And Identity Theft.

Federal Trade Commission

Identity theft occurs when someone uses another person's personal identifying information, like their name, identifying number, or credit card numberwithout their permission, to commit fraud or other crimes. The term identity theft was coined in Identity theft deliberately uses someone else's identity as a method to gain financial advantages or obtain credit and other benefits, [2] [3] and perhaps to cause other person's disadvantages or loss. The person whose identity has been stolen may suffer adverse consequences, [4] especially if they are falsely held responsible for the perpetrator's actions.

Computer Fraud And Identity Theft

Personally identifiable information generally includes a person's name, date of birth, social security number, driver's license number, source account or credit card numbers, PINselectronic signaturesfingerprints, passwordsAAnd any other information that can be used to access a person's financial resources. Determining the link between data breaches and identity theft is challenging, primarily because identity theft victims often do not know how their personal information was obtained, and identity theft is not always detectable by the individual victims, according to Computer Fraud And Identity Theft report done for the FTC.

30-day notice for adjustments

Someone can steal or misappropriate personal information without then committing identity theft using the information about every person, such as when a major data breach occurs. A US Government Accountability Office study determined that "most breaches have not resulted in detected incidents of identity theft". A later unpublished study by Carnegie Mellon Read article noted that "Most often, the causes of identity theft is not known", but reported that Frayd else concluded that "the probability of becoming a victim Computer Fraud And Identity Theft identity theft as a result of a data breach is An October article entitled "Cyber Crime Made Easy" explained the level to which hackers are using malicious software.

There's an app for that. The new program for infecting users' computers was called Zeus ; and the program is so hacker-friendly that even an inexperienced hacker can operate it.

Computer Fraud And Identity Theft Although the hacking program is easy Compyter use, that fact does not diminish the devastating effects that Zeus or other software like Zeus can do to a computer and the user.

For example, the article stated that programs like Zeus can steal credit card information, important documents, and even documents necessary for homeland security. If the hacker were to gain this information, it would mean identity theft or even a possible terrorist attack.]

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