Communication Is The Best Key For Solving -

Communication Is The Best Key For Solving

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Communication Is The Best Key For Solving.

Communication Is The Best Key For Solving Video

Why communication is key to solving supply chain problems

Update: An interesting discussion around this started in hacker news.

Communication Is The Best Key For Solving

The remote work environment is different from the office. Different environments call for different communication systems. A communication system that is adapted to the remote work reality can unlock amazing benefits: even better productivity, a competitive advantage in the long run and much a better work-life balance on top of it all. Asynchronous written communication is the tool best suited for remote work.

Communication Is The Best Key For Solving

We are so used to talking to each other in the office, expecting immediate responses in work chat, and having meetings all day, that we tried to replicate that at home with zoom and slack. Writing to each other in slack while expecting immediate answers, or setting up multiple zoom meetings every day will fail with remote work in the long run. Even if we discard the specific tools of and video calls, we still have the underlying problems of synchronous communication.

That is, communication that expects the other participants to respond within a very limited time span. When everyone is expected to be available at any point, the cost of interrupting someone and getting an immediate answer is lower than Communication Is The Best Key For Solving for an answer yourself.

Snir David

Be it in the 3rd party Commhnication or the company's internal documentation. That is, if internal documentation even exists. When everybody expects to be asked about things anyway, why go through the effort of properly documenting anything? Planning is another culprit. Most people will not go through proper in-depth planning for their tasks ahead of time. They'll prefer to define the end goal, and discover issues and details as they go. They know they will never get stuck, people will answer their questions on time. This creates a culture of interruptions in the organization.

Communication Is The Best Key For Solving

It feeds itself so deeply, that the organization can't really operate without interruption. Since the organization as a whole is dependent on that, it becomes part of the culture.

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Once you have culture of interruptions, even the best communicator in the world will not be able to change it. Work time flexibility will be broken too. Since everyone is dependent on everyone else to be available for interruptions within the work day, you have a work day.]

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