Cloud Computing Cloud Network -

Cloud Computing Cloud Network - with you

The meteoric rise of streaming services is undeniable. Cloud computing and streaming go hand in hand in this streaming revolution. Video streaming is considered a very powerful tool. However, it requires a lot of technological advancements in hardware and software. Video streaming includes transmission of large amounts of data every second. It also requires that the data streaming be consistent and uninterrupted. Cloud Computing Cloud Network

Zoom grabs the No. Video conferencing giant Zoom and data and AI provider Cloud Computing Cloud Network top the list of 25 highest-rated public and 25 private cloud companies to work for respectively, during the COVID pandemic, by global investment firm Battery Ventures. The list, a twist on Battery's annual list of highest-rated cloud firms in terms of employee satisfaction, is based on data collected during the first six months of the pandemic March through August and includes many companies that successfully raised financing and continue reading revenue during the period, the firm said.

The companies on both lists represent those where employees report the highest levels of satisfaction at work, according to employee feedback shared on Glassdoor, a worldwide leader on insights about jobs and companies.

Besides Zoom, whose usage has soared as more people work see more, other companies focused on workplace collaboration—a key theme during this work-from-home period—also won places on the list. On the private side, 10 of the top 25 Cloud Computing Cloud Network, including No. This demonstrates another potential link between positive company culture and overall corporate performance and growth, said Neeraj Agrawal, a Battery general partner who specializes in cloud investing, in a statement.

While this was true before the pandemic, it is even more true now, he added. The company also ordered desks and computer monitors for all employees' home offices and set up new communication channels to shore up morale, including an internal podcast and small fireside chats, in addition to larger employee meetings. Battery last released its highest-rated cloud companies Computihg in the spring of and focused Cloud Computing Cloud Network employee ratings from the previous month period. This time, "we knew that any data collected before the pandemic would not be very consequential, since the virus has turned most companies upside down," Agrawal said. Netwrok

Cloud Computing Cloud Network

So Battery delayed the release of its list and focused Cloudd how employees rated companies Cloud Computing Cloud Network March through the end of August. Thirteen of the top 50 private companies on the highest-rated list have since gone public or been see more. Two of the companies on this year's private-company pandemic list, Unity Technologies and Asana, staged public listings earlier this fall, after the close of the list's data-collection period, according to Battery.

All the companies on this year's lists are powering the trend of businesses increasingly turning to the cloud to run critical technology systems and software—a trend that has actually accelerated during the pandemic, the firm said. The highest-rated companies on both lists sell cloud technology in a range of areas, including sales-and-marketing, collaboration, development tools, and finance.

To qualify for the list, private Cloud Computing Cloud Network companies were required to have or more Cloux at least 20 employee reviews on Glassdoor during the six-month collection period; and have raised funding since JulyBattery said. Delivered Mondays.

Cloud Computing Cloud Network

Esther Shein is a longtime freelance writer and editor whose work has appeared in several online and print publications. Delivered Mondays Sign up today. Editor's Picks. Meet the hackers who earn millions for saving the web. How bug bounties are changing everything about security.

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