Childrens functional health pattern assessment -

Childrens functional health pattern assessment Childrens functional health pattern assessment

An year-old woman is in the emergency department with fever and cough. The nurse obtains her vital signs, auscultates her lung sounds, liste Which standard of practice is performed? Diagnosis B. Evaluation C. Assessment D. Advanced practice registered nurses generally: A. Function independently B. Function as unit directors C. Work in acute care settings D.


As an art nursing relies on knowledge gained from practice and reflection on past experiences. As a science nursing relies on select all that apply : A.

Childrens functional health pattern assessment

Experimental research. Nonexperimental research. Research from other disciplines. Professional opinions. Based on the transtheoretical model of change, what is the most appropriate response to a patient who states: "Me, exercise?

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I haven't done that since junior aszessment gym class, and I hated it then! Exercise is bad for you anyway. I want you to walk 3 miles 4 times a week, and I'll see you in 1 month. Can you think of one reason why being more active would be helpful for you?

Discussion: Stages of Child Development

The client who would be least likely to participate in health teaching activities would choose which model? Clinical model B.

Childrens functional health pattern assessment

Adaptive model C. Role performance model D.

Areas of Interest

Contemporary nursing requires that the nurse has knowledge and skills for a variety of professional roles and responsibilities. Which of the following are examples? Select all that apply. Caregiver B. Autonomy and accountability C. Patient advocate D. Health promotion E. A critical care nurse is using a computerized Childrene support system to correctly position her ventilated patients to reduce pneumonia caused by accumulated respiratory secretions. Patient-centered care B. Safety C.]

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