Belonging in the Intercultural Communication -

Belonging in the Intercultural Communication

Belonging in the Intercultural Communication - conversations! Also

Authors who publish with this journal agree to the following terms: Authors retain copyright and grant the journal right of first publication with the work simultaneously licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License that allows others to share the work with an acknowledgement of the work's authorship and initial publication in this journal. Authors are able to enter into separate, additional contractual arrangements for the non-exclusive distribution of the journal's published version of the work e. Authors are permitted and encouraged to post their work online e. Registered In England and Wales. Skip to main content Skip to main navigation menu Skip to site footer. Abstract The paper deals with the case study, focused on exploring certain problems in intercultural communication of Ukrainian and Chinese students in the academic environment of Sumy National Agrarian University. The qualitative stage of the experiment was conducted to discover the stereotypes about the representatives of other nations, which the informants had. It was revealed that learning idioms and participation in the experiment helped students overcome the stereotypes and improve the intercultural interaction amid academic groups.

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Belonging in the Intercultural Communication Video

Intercultural Communication Belonging in the Intercultural Communication

Get Book. In the current age of globalisation and migration, intercultural competence is one of the most important key competences in many professions and has become a priority aim in school and university education.

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The demand for a systematic development of intercultural competence is a constant concern in foreign language education in particular. This international volume emphasises the empirical investigation of processes of intercultural learning and development and the issue of assessment with particular reference to the context of foreign language learning. Bearing this purpose in mind, English learners are considered as intercultural speakers who share their interest for engaging in real life communication.

Belonging in the Intercultural Communication

Besides, possessing knowledge of at least two cultures is the case of many learners in bilingual or multilingual communities. Following that author, we also believe that in a multilingual world where learners may belong to more than one speech community, their main goal is not to become a native speaker of English, but to use this language as a tool for interaction among many other languages and cultures.

It consists of a printed booklet setting out the rationale for a series of training activities, which are contained on an accompanying CD-Rom. The kit encourages language teachers to reflect on the notion Communivation diversity, which is so fundamental an element in the process of linguistic and communicative education - the "dialogue with the other". Its ultimate goal is to contribute towards building a school capable of providing local and global perspectives on the language curriculum, of offering communication opportunities with peoples click cultures from Belonging in the Intercultural Communication away as well as nearby and of promoting the ability to speak languages with different statuses and functions.

Belonging in the Intercultural Communication

This textbook wishes to help the trainer, the teacher and the learner in the process by encouraging culture-general discussions about culture with a small c and by using a reflective approach. The materials on the accompanying CD-ROM include: the theoretical background to teaching language and culture; detailed workshop and course planning guidelines; teaching materials and activities based on literature, films and songs; guidelines and tasks for assessment and descriptors of competences; intercultural communication workshop reports; and our research articles about the intercultural dimension of foreign language teaching FIT.]

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