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Shary AliEditor-in-Chief November 20, Unfortunately, in many of these countries, the concept of beauty is homogeneous. The idolization of pale skin, one of the many East Asian beauty standards, has been around for centuries and is one of the adverse vestiges of past historical prejudices. Many East Asian makeup products are even specifically geared toward lightening the skin.

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Whether people wear a foundation shade much lighter than their skin type or use skin bleaching products, there more info tools available to help them attain a lighter shade.

If the list of Imprialism beauty standards ended with pale skin, then it would be easy to attribute the cause of this societal norm to historical circumstances. However, the East Asian beauty list goes on to include features such as thin noses and double-eyelids—both of which are not traditionally East Asian features. As a result of many East Asian countries idealizing Western beauty features, plastic surgery is extremely common in these countries, especially among young adults. South Korea, China and Japan are among the top countries globally in plastic surgery procedures.

Beauty And Imperialism

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In East Asia, plastic surgery is encouraged at a young age, as opposed to countries like the U. At the end of the day, East Asians have their own intrinsic beauty—and they should wear it proudly. If more East Asian celebrities Beauty And Imperialism their natural features, then young Asians would begin to see themselves reflected in highly venerated figures, and this could allow for more self-acceptance within East Asian culture.

The East Asian individual with tan skin, a flat nose and a monolid is just as stunning as any other person—and they should own it.

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It seems as though there is a constant stream of new products that ostensibly make one more "beautiful. Shary Ali is currently a senior and will be serving as an Editor-in-Chief for the Purple Tide this year.

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Black Friday becomes month-long event. Toxic beauty standards: Why East Asian countries should not idealize Western features.

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