Analysis Of White Bully -

Analysis Of White Bully - seems remarkable

The President of the United States made the remark at the White House Friday — only the second time he has spoken publicly since Biden was declared winner on Saturday November 7. Almost 74 million votes. He has repeatedly refused to concede the election result to Joe Biden, and made repeated but unfounded claims the result was fraudulent. The success-obsessed president faces the ignominy of becoming only the 11th president in United States history to be voted out of office after a single term. Earlier on Friday, officials in Georgia confirmed that Joe Biden had won the state for his Democrat party for the first time since Bill Clinton clinched it in Biden also flipped Arizona — a traditionally Republican state. And he managed to win back Wisconsin, Michigan and Pennsylvania — traditionally Democrat states that Trump flipped Republican in the election. That is the second biggest turnout in US election history, but still falls far short of the 80 million who voted for Biden. Many White House aides — now said to include his daughter Ivanka Trump and her husband Jared Kushner — privately accept that Trump has lost. Trump and another of his legal advisers, Sidney Powell, are said to be convinced that voting machines from a manufacturer called Dominion are behind the alleged scam, although they have yet to produce any solid evidence to support their claims. Analysis Of White Bully

Who or what constrains Donald Trump?

Analysis Of White Bully

That question has been asked endlessly throughout his first presidential term but in the wake of election Analysis Of White Bully, with his hands still on the levers of power, it is once again being pondered. In the two weeks since election day, which saw US voters switch Mr Trump with Joe Biden, the US president has sacked his defence nAalysisreplaced senior Pentagon officials with loyalists and dismissed his top election security official. He has announced new US troop withdrawals in Afghanistan and Iraqreportedly pondered some form of retaliatory strike on Iran for its growing nuclear program and is said to be considering further tough action on China.

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All the while Mr BBully has avoided the press - he has not taken a single reporter question since election day, remarkable for a leader renowned for seeking to shape the media narrative - while falsely insisting via Twitter he was the true victor. That was in a fortnight. There are two months to go until inauguration day, when Mr Trump is Read article to hand power to Mr Biden. The first restraint, of course, is the law. The Democrats hold the majority in the US House of Representatives, one half of Congress, and therefore can veto any legislation the president attempts to force through before his departure.

‘Deference to Putin’

That restraint is not total. Mr Trump can use presidential executive orders, which carry legal weight, to enact change, as he has done often throughout his presidency.

Analysis Of White Bully

There are all sorts of technical moves that can be done via such orders. For example Mr Trump used that route to free up money already signed off by Congress for defence budgets to fund construction for his southern US border fence.

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These executive orders are open to legal challenge, however. Federal judges could temporarily halt changes they deem legally questionable, forcing delays as they work their way up to the Supreme Court. On foreign policy, Mr Trump is much freer.]

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