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Analysis of the Civil Rights March of

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The Hindu Daily News Analysis -- 22nd December 2020 -- UPSC Current Affairs -- Prelims 21 \u0026 Mains 20

But today, black voters have emerged as a muscular political force and one of the most intensely courted constituencies in Democratic politics. Inthey are likely to account for at least one out of every four ballots cast in the party's presidential primaries, more than tripling — and perhaps even quadrupling — the share they accounted for just a few decades ago.

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But until now, much of this data has been hard to come by, unavailable online, walled source in academic archives, even discarded by the news media outlets that sponsored it. But thanks to the assistance of William Mayer, a political scientist at Northeastern University and an expert on presidential campaigns, NBC News has assembled for the first time a publicly available state-by-state record of the black vote for each of the nine competitive national Democratic campaigns since the inception of widespread exit polling.

Analysis of the Civil Rights March of

Read about our methodology here. It begins inwhen the Voting Rights Act was barely a decade old, all-white-candidate fields were the norm, and the ties between African Americans and the Democratic Party were strained. And it extends through the campaign, by which point that bond had strengthened and sealed, all while a broader reshuffling had pushed older and blue-collar white voters toward the GOP and left Democrats more reliant than ever on support from nonwhite voters. InAfrican Americans made up 24 percent of Democratic primary voters, the most ever. The data we are presenting here is from exit polls that were conducted for various media organizations in individual state primaries. Especially in the older contests, the data was often gathered for CBS News and The New York Times, which were particularly aggressive at the dawn of the exit polling era.

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But ABC News and NBC News also sponsored some early exit polls, and since state primary exit polling has been organized by a consortium of media outlets. The data picks up with the campaign. While black voters had been siding with Democratic presidential candidates since at least the days of Franklin D. Roosevelt with their allegiance reaching new heights during Lyndon Johnson's presidency tthe, the depth of their loyalty remained an open question. Black politicians were winning office in larger numbers — a handful in Congress, some in big city mayoralties and more in state legislatures, particularly in the South. Julian Bond, a Georgia state senator and civil rights veteran, considered an independent presidential campaign in Two years later, Jesse Jackson, another product of the civil rights movement, addressed a meeting of the Republican National Committee and declared the black vote up for grabs — if the GOP would make the Civli.

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From black leaders, Carter faced accusations of reneging on commitments and taking their support for granted. His decision to dismiss his most prominent Anwlysis ally, Andrew Young, as U. Jackson was not the first black presidential candidate; Rep.

Shirley Analysis of the Civil Rights March of of New York had run ingaining little traction in the Democratic primaries she contested and attracting scant support from established black leaders. One precinct-based estimate in the Florida primary, in which Chisholm received 4 percent statewide, showed her losing the black vote to Hubert Humphrey, 4-to The old days of candidates testing their strength in a few handpicked primaries were over, though, and Jackson was running in a new era.

Instead of party bosses acting as delegate brokers, most states now held primaries or caucuses, and Jackson set out to run in all of them. His candidacy was transformative.

Analysis of the Civil Rights March of

Running without the blessing of many key black leaders, Jackson nonetheless carried majorities of the black vote in every state. As he proved his viability, his support from black voters increased. Sinceno candidate has won the Click nomination for president without winning a majority of black vote.

Black voters are likely to account for one of every four primary ballots cast in His follow-up White House bid in only reinforced these trends. Jackson never ran for president again, but four other black candidates have since sought the Democratic nomination.

Virginia Gov.]

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