An Emerging Information Security Threat -

An Emerging Information Security Threat Video

Four Types of Threats in Information Security An Emerging Information Security Threat An Emerging Information Security Threat An Emerging Information Security Threat

Hackers and cybercrime gangs are increasingly targeting smart phones, Macintosh computers and other "emerging" platforms, delegates to Europe's largest independent security conference have been warned. Speaking at this year's ISSE conference in WarsawCostin Raiu, head of research Emfrging development at anti-virus vendor Kaspersky Labssaid that security improvements in Windows Vista were making harder for cyber-crime gangs to target PCs.

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At the same time, the growing popularity of alternative platforms, such as Mac OS and the Symbian mobile OS were bound to attract growing attention from hackers. There are more banks using such phones for two-factor authentication, but cyber criminals are designing Trojans that look like [authentication] tokens. Gangs are going to greater and greater lengths to improve the quality of malware, Kaspersky suggests.

An Emerging Information Security Threat

Hacker teams are increasingly organised on similar lines to professional software development teams, with quality assurance and even marketing specialists, said Raiu. One group has even gone as far as to submit its Trojan to Symbian as part of that platform's application signing process.

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The application purports to be a data backup utility but in fact diverts personal information to the crime gang's servers. The cybercriminal's greater sophistication is also being tracked by Microsoft, which has noted a growing emphasis on highly-targeted malware attacks, especially phishing.

An Emerging Information Security Threat

According to Steve Lipner, senior director of security engineering at Microsoft, malware authors' use of social engineering is becoming more skilled. Better software Seckrity methodologies, including building a security lifecycle into the software development lifecycle, will reduce the number of vulnerabilities and remove many of the opportunities for cyber crime, he explained. Alternatively, end users could look for alternative platforms for sensitive transactions such as online banking. Accelerate digital transformation with enterprise apps on the cloud.

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