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An Animal s Body Water Video

SCIENCE IV Q2W2 Animals' Adaptation and Survival


Tool use by animals is a phenomenon in which an animal uses any kind of tool in order to achieve a goal such as acquiring food and water, groomingdefense, recreation or construction. Originally thought to be a skill possessed only by humanssome tool use requires a sophisticated level of cognition.

An Animal s Body Water

There is considerable discussion about the definition of what constitutes a tool and therefore which behaviours can be considered true examples of tool use. An Animal s Body Water wide range of animals, including mammals, birds, fish, cephalopods, and insects, are considered to use tools. Primates are well known for using tools for hunting or gathering food and water, cover for rain, and self-defence. Chimpanzees have been the object of study, most famously by Jane Goodallsince these animals are more-often kept in captivity than other primates and are closely related to humans. Tool-use in other primates are lesser-known as many of them are mainly observed in the wild. Many famous researchers, such as Charles Darwin in his click to see more The Descent of Manmentioned tool-use in monkeys such as d. Both wild and captive elephants are known to create tools using their trunk and feet, mainly for swatting flies, scratching, plugging waterholes that they have dug to close them up again so the water doesn't evaporate and reaching food that is out Watdr reach.

A group of dolphins in Shark Bay use sponges to protect their beak while foraging. Sea otters will dislodge food from rocks such as abalone and break open shellfish.

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Carnivores of the order Carnivora can use tools to trap prey or break open the shells of prey, as well as for scratching. Corvids crowsravens and rooks are well known for their large brains among birds and tool use. New Caledonian crows are among the only animals that create their own tools. They mainly manufacture probes out of twigs and wood and sometimes metal wire to catch or impale larvae.

An Animal s Body Water

Tool use in some birds may be best exemplified in nest intricacy. Tailorbirds manufacture 'pouches' to make their nests in. Some birds, such as weaver birds build complex nests. Woodpecker finches insert twigs into trees in order to catch or impale larvae. Parrots may use tools to wedge nuts so that they can crack it open without launching it away.

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Some birds take advantage of human activity, such as carrion crows in Japan which drop nuts in front of cars to crack them open. Several species of fish use tools to crack open shellfish, extract food that is out of reach, cleaning an area for nestingand hunting. Octopuses gather coconut shells and create a shelter. They may also construct a fence using rocks.

An Animal s Body Water

The key to identifying tool use is defining what Wayer a tool. Researchers of animal behavior have arrived at different formulations. InBeck published a widely used definition of tool use. The external employment of an unattached or manipulable attached environmental object to alter more efficiently the form, position, or condition of another object, another organism, or the user itself, when the user holds and directly manipulates the tool during or prior to use and is responsible for the proper An Animal s Body Water effective orientation of the tool.

The use of physical objects other than the animal's own body or appendages as a means to extend the physical influence realized by the animal. An object that has been modified to fit a purpose Others, for example Lawick-Goodall[6] distinguish between "tool use" and "object use".]

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