America As A Melting Pot -

America As A Melting Pot America As A Melting Pot.

The midterm elections produced the most diverse Congress in U. Now, partially because Republicans have joined the trend, the next Congress will eclipse the current one in terms of diversity.

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There are 22 GOP women in Congress, 13 representatives and nine senators. That will increase to at least 32 in January, with several House races involving women candidates not yet decided.

America As A Melting Pot

The number of Black members of Congress, now a record 55, is certain to increase even though vote counting in several races continues. A record number of Black women, at least 24 and all Democrats, will Americca members of the next House. Such increasing diversity reflects ongoing demographic shifts in the general population, and it raises the prospect that legislation and policy will flow from the life experiences of article source whom it actually will affect. Additionally, having a Congress that would be willing to compromise and join forces across the aisle would be even better for our nation in the long run. Toggle navigation Menu. Subscribe Log In. Manage America As A Melting Pot Logout. Manage Account.

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