Alzheimer s An Irreversible Progressive Brain Disease -

Alzheimer s An Irreversible Progressive Brain Disease - the purpose

Scientists revealed a protein involved in the damage of brain cells accumulates in the blood of patients up to 20 years before memory declines. P-tau clumps abnormally in the brains of Alzheimer's patients — and some tiny fragments can leak into the bloodstream. Researchers found a blood test that measured levels of the protein was 98 per cent accurate at identifying people with the memory-robbing disease. The breakthrough has been described as 'extremely important' for the development of treatments. The cruel disease currently has no cure but finding one would be easier if trials may start on patients as early on in the disease as possible. Alzheimer s An Irreversible Progressive Brain Disease

It is the most common cause of dementia among older people.


The symptoms first appear to be mild, but they can become severe over time and can hinder daily life tasks. Alois Alzeihmer was the first person who described this condition, and thus the disease was named after him. In this form of dementia, first, the connection between the neurons weakens, and then after some time, they begin to die. This immediate death of nerve cells can also damage the other parts of the brain, leading to clot formation, tangled fiber formation, and infections.

CSF biomarkers indicate high risk of progression from mild cognitive impairment to Alzheimer's

Such situations can ultimately lead to death. Still, it is in actuality the third leading cause of death in the U. S according to the Natural Institue of Aging U. Through statistics, more than 5. According to the research and statistics, the number is expected to rise by 3. Even inDr.

Alzheimer s An Irreversible Progressive Brain Disease

Alois Alzhiemer discovered this form of dementia when he found tangled strings of fiber and clots in the brain of the dead woman. As the person grows old, he starts forgetting even the most basic things, and the condition gets worse with time. The disease can travel from generation to generation that can get triggered any time in old age. It is a chromosomal disorder that is usually inherited and can show up in generations. Multiple factors can contribute to this more info. Those symptoms can be mild in the early stage, but if not controlled, it can lead to the final stage that causes some life-threatening complications.

Wellness A-Z

This is the first stage of this disease, and the symptoms that show up during this stage can Barin help you diagnose it. During this milder stage of the disease, the patient can face minor but still noticeable memory and thinking problems. The most common symptoms include:. But unfortunately, ignore these milder symptoms, allowing it to step onto the next level.

Alzheimer s An Irreversible Progressive Brain Disease

Therefore, it is vital to diagnose this mental disease in its initial stages for avoiding complications and better treatment. In the last stage, the functions within the brain are thoroughly disrupted. The tangles and the plaques take all over the brain, and such a serious situation can lead to:. During this stage, the brain fails to respond appropriately to its environment, and one cannot even perform a task appropriately. But the severities and complications do not last up to here; at the end stage of this type Alzheimer s An Irreversible Progressive Brain Disease dementia, the brain is full of plaque, which can lead to clots and infections that can ultimately lead to sudden death. Plaque is caused by beta-amyloid protein, and it causes space between the neurons, making the connection between them difficult.

Alzheimer s An Irreversible Progressive Brain Disease

And ultimately, it becomes the reason for death for the neurons. Doctors usually take several mental and behavioral tests to assess thinking and memory impairment and abilities.]

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