A Study On Agency Sponsorship - amazonia.fiocruz.br

A Study On Agency Sponsorship - more than

Prior to doing business with Catapult, the agency had a business development professional in-house, however, they were not driving the right conversations and leads the agency wanted to achieve. The agency wanted to expand their category list to drive more qualified leads, but we advised to expand their list based on total media spend within a brand instead of focusing on certain verticals. We also leveraged their smaller agency size to their advantage and were in market within 21 days. Since September of , the agency has had nine meetings with Fortune companies. Three of those meetings were in categories they have never done work with but were eager to have in their portfolio. Outcomes Case Studies. Blog Growth Calculator Webinars Podcasts. Case Study 5. Expand Category List Based on Total Media Spend The agency wanted to expand their category list to drive more qualified leads, but we advised to expand their list based on total media spend within a brand instead of focusing on certain verticals. A Study On Agency Sponsorship. A Study On Agency Sponsorship

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A Study On Agency Sponsorship

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A Study On Agency Sponsorship

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