A Report On Green Washing - amazonia.fiocruz.br

A Report On Green Washing

A Report On Green Washing Video

we need to talk about greenwashing ... companies are lying to you A Report On Green Washing

This week, representatives from governments from around the world are meeting to try and draw up new international guidelines to reduce the environmental impacts of shipping. As well as CO2, vessels pump out a broad range of other toxic pollutants, including sulphur dioxide, nitrogen oxides and particulate matter, all of which have serious environmental impacts. The International Maritime Organisation - the body which regulated the industry - set a target in to halve emissions from the sector byincluding rules which would see emissions reduced by 40 per cent by But since then, the organisation has been accused of watering-down the rules and environmental NGOs with observer status have warned the new proposals do not meet the terms of the Paris climate agreement.

The rules would apply to ships of 5, tonnes and above. To make a real difference not just to marine life but to our survival as a species on this planet. But it needs to step up now, to get out of bed with the fossil fuel industry A Report On Green Washing stand up for the environment. Already have an account?

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A Report On Green Washing

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A Report On Green Washing

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